Thank you for your donation!
You invest in children that are healthy, safe and learning every time you make a gift to Missouri Parents as Teachers Association
How to Give
Please make checks payable to:
Missouri Parents as Teachers Association
Mail to:
2208 Missouri Blvd, Suite 102 #168 Jefferson City, MO 65109
Credit/Debit Card
Click here to pay with the card of your choice!
Click here to pay with PayPal.
Your donation helps Missouri families get a healthy start!
Individuals, corporations, and foundations all play an important role in helping MOPATA achieve its mission. With your support, MOPATA can:
Provide professional development opportunities to early childhood professionals to promote research-based practices in parent education.
Advocate for legislation that addresses critical issues affecting the welfare of children and families.
Support the expansion of high-quality home visiting programs across Missouri.